The next few images are Jeff Greenham & Julia Galloway in the foreground, then Alec Karros with his dirt clay and last, Matt West. Click on the images to enlarge. The show is representative of the people who have been visiting faculty in the past 20 years. Some of the other people in the exhibition included Frank and Polly Martin, Ed Eberle, and Scott Cornish. The show was initially shown in a smaller version in a crappy space for NCECA in the 'Burgh. It really deserved the type of space that it has now...I just wish more people might see it other than the small dedicated group within the bubble here...ahh, but that is the way it is here.
Jeff Greeham leaves this week and a new guy will come in on Monday...and I am sorry but I do not know the new guy's name...he is a replacement for Scott Cornish who could not make it. The above picture is the other current visiting clay faculty, Alec Karros, vigorously wedging his top soil infused clay with Greenham over his shoulder talking to a student...
As for me, I am a little worn out...but I am still able to produce a little bit of work. I have been firing an insane number of times and if I am not firing a kiln, I am working on a kiln. So as I finish pieces up, I will post images of some of my new mugs and things next time...until then, beware of the Giant Chautauquan Lake Squid!!!